Highlight Activities 2021:งานวิจัย

Highlight Activities 2021:The threatened Rufous Limestone Babbler Gypsophila calcicola—not a quarry species, but a “quarried species”

The bird taxon Rufous Limestone Babbler Gypsophila calcicola is endemic to the Saraburi Group limestones of Thailand’s Lower North-East and is presently assessed as IUCN globally Vulnerable. Its entire range in its limestone karst habitat is estimated as no more than 184.85 km2, of which 10% has already been lost for quarrying for cement production. Present and proposed quarrying concessions would cover 273 km2, an area one-and-a half times greater than our estimate of the range of the species. We recommend future surveys and integrated management to safeguard the threatened Rufous Limestone Babbler and other endemic plant and animal taxa of the Saraburi Limestones.


Rufous Limestone Babbler Gypsophila calcicole


Round, P. D., Tantipisanuh, N, Eiamampai, K. & Asensio, N. 2021.  The threatened Rufous Limestone Babbler Gypsophila calcicola—not a quarry species, but a “quarried species”. Bird Conservation International. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0959270921000277