
งานวิจัยภาควิชาชีววิทยา 2545

Publications 2002

  1. Attwood SW, Panasoponkul C,Upatham ES, Meng XH, Southgate VR. Schistosoma ovuncatum  sp. (Digenea: Schistosomatidae) from northwest Thailand and the historical biogeography of Southeast Asian Schistosoma Weinland, 1858. Syst Parasitol 2002;51(1):1-19.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Systematic Parasitology / IF = 0.919)
  2. Attwood SW,Upatham ES, Meng XH, Qiu DC, Southgate VR. The phylogeography of Asian Schistosoma (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae). Parasitology 2002;125(2):99-112.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Parasitology / IF = 2.114)
  3. Boonyapookana B,Upatham ESKruatrachue M*Pokethitiyook PSinghakaew S. Phytoaccumulation and phytotoxicity of cadmium and chromium in duckweed Wolffia globosaInter J Phytoremediation 2002;4(2):87-100.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = International Journal of Phytoremediation)
  4. Brockelman WY, Charoenchai P, Maxwell JF. A new tree species (Sapotaceae) and a new species record for Thailand (Flacourtiaceae) from Khao Yai National Park.Nat Hist Bull Siam Soc 2002;50(1):89-97.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society)
  5. Chitramvong YP*, Kruatrachue M,Upatham ES, Singhakaew S, Parkpoomkamol K. The pallial organs of Haliotis asinina Linnaeus (Gastropoda : Haliotidae). ScienceAsia 2002;28(1):17-23.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = ScienceAsia)
  6. Duckworth JW, Davidson P, Evans TD,Round PD, Timmins RJ. Birds records from Laos, principally the Upper Laos/Thai Mekong and Xianghouang province, in 1998-2000. Forktail 2002;18:11-44.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Forktail)
  7. Elder RJ,Milne JR, Reid DJ, Guthrie JN, Persley DM. Temporal incidence of three phytoplasma-associated diseases ofCarica papaya and their potential hemipteran vectors in central and south-east Queensland. Australas Plant Pathol2002;31(2):165-76.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Australasian Plant Pathology / IF = 0.495)
  8. Francesconi K*,Visoottiviseth PSridokchan W, Goessler W. Arsenic species in an arsenic hyperaccumulating fern,Pityrogramma calomelanos: a potential phytoremediator of arsenic-contaminated soils. Sci Total Environ 2002;284(1-3):27-35. 
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = The Science of the Total Environment / IF = 1.396)
  9. Jamnongluk W,Kittayapong PBaimai V, O’Neill SL*. Wolbachia Infections of tephritid fruit flies: molecular evidence for five distinct strains in a single host species. Curr Microbiol 2002;45(4):255-60.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Current Microbiology / IF = 1.059)
  10. Jiraungkoorskul W,Upatham ESKruatrachue M*, Sahaphong SVichasri-Grams SPokethitiyook P. Histopathological effects of Roundup, a glyphosate herbicide, on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). ScienceAsia2002;28(2):121-7.
    (Department = Biology / Pathobiology
    Journal Name = ScienceAsia)
  11. Kittayapong P*,Baimai V. O’Neill SL. Field prevalence of Wolbachia in the mosquito vector Aedes albopictusAm J Trop Med Hyg 2002;66(1):108-11.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene / IF = 2.126)
  12. Kittayapong P*, Baisley KJ, Sharpe RG,Baimai V, O’Neill SL. Maternal transmission efficiency of Wolbachiasuperinfections in Aedes albopictus populations in Thailand. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2002;66(1):103-7.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene / IF = 2.126)
  13. Kittayapong P*,Mongkalangoon PBaimai V, O’Neill SL. Host age effect and expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility in field populations of Wolbachia-superinfected Aedes albopictusHeredity 2002;88(4):270-4.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Heredity / IF = 2.297)
  14. Kitthawee S*,Vasinpiyamongkol L. Mitotic karyotype of Spalangia endius walker (hymenoptera: pteromalidae), a pupal parasitoid of tephritid flies (diptera: tephritidae) in Thailand. Cytologia 2002;67(4):435-8.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Cytologia)
  15. Kruatrachue M*,Jarupan WChitramwong YPPokethitiyook PUpatham ESParkpoomkamol K. Combined effects of lead and humic acid on growth and lead uptake of duckweed, Lemna minorBull Environ Contam Toxicol2002;69(5):655-61.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology / IF = 0.490)
  16. Kruatrachue M,Laimek PWanichanon CLinthong VSretarugsa PUpatham ESSobhon P. Development of the nerve ganglia of abalone, Haliotis asinina  J Shellfish Res 2002;21(1):173-83.
    (Department = Biology / Anatomy
    Journal Name = Journal of Shellfish Research / IF = 0.528)
  17. Manguin S, Kengne P, Sonnier L, Harbach RE,Baimai V, Trung HD, Coosemans M. SCAR markers and multiplex PCR-based identification of isomorphic species in the Anopheles dirus complex in Southeast Asia. Med Vet Entomol2002;16(1):46-54.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Medical and Veterinary Entomology / IF = 0.909)
  18. Pattanavibool A, Dearden P*. Fragmentation and wildlife in montane evergreen forests, northern Thailand.Biol Conserv 2002;107(2):155-64.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Biological Conservation / IF = 1.783)
  19. Rangsayatorn N,Upatham ES*, Kruatrachue MPokethitiyook P, Lanza GR. Phytoremediation potential of Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis: biosorption and toxicity studies of cadmium. Environ Pollut 2002;119(1):45-53.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Environmental Pollution / IF = 1.560)
  20. Round PD*. Black redstartPhoenicurus ochruros the first record for Thailand. Nat His Bull Siam Soc 2002;50(1):105-7.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society)
  21. Strickman D*,Kittayapong P. Dengue and its vectors in Thailand: introduction to the study and seasonal distribution ofAedes  Am J Trop Med Hyg 2002;67(3):247-59.
    (Department = Biology / Ctr Vector & Vector Borne Dis
    Journal Name = American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene / IF = 2.063)
  22. Supaprom T,Baimai V. Mitotic karyotypes of eight species of microhylid frogs from Thailand (Anura : Microhylidae).Amphibia-Reptilia 2002;23(4):510-6.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Amphibia-Reptilia / IF = 0.438)
  23. Tangaromsuk J,Pokethitiyook P*Kruatrachue MUpatham ES. Cadmium biosorption by Sphingomonas paucimobilis  Bioresource Technol 2002;85(1):103-5.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Bioresource Technology / IF = 0.890)
  24. Upatham ES,Boonyapookana BKruatrachue M*Pokethitiyook PParkpoomkamol K. Biosorption of cadmium and chromium in duckweed Wolffia globosa. Int J Phytoremediat 2002;4(2):73-86.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = International Journal of Phytoremediation)
  25. Visoottiviseth P*, Francesconi K,Sridokchan W. The potential of Thai indigenous plant species for the phytoremediation of arsenic contaminated land. Environ Pollut 2002;118(3):453-61. 
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Environmental Pollution / IF = 1.560)