
SCBI611 Research Techniques in Environmental Biology

Course Schedule 2018/1

SCBI 611 Research Techniques in Environmental Biology (M.Sc.)

SCBI 579 Research Techniques in Biology (Ph.D.)

Credit : 2 (063)

Department of Biology

Faculty of Science, Mahidol University

Time: Thr 9.30 – 12.00, Thr 13.30-16.30 Room: N506 or Salaya & instructor’s lab             

Teaching & Evaluation

Lecture: Research topics & methodology         1 hr

Lab visit           & demonstration                                  1 hr

Self-study or Lab practice                                 2 hr

Presentation                                        1 hr

Quiz                                                     1 hr

For each topic, students will be evaluated on

On-time attendance                             10%

Class participation                               10%

Presentation                                        30%

Understanding of technique concept    50%

Two topics in which you earn the lowest scores or you were absent, will be dropped.

Students who attend all topics will earn 3 bonus point (on the final score).

Grade: 85-100 = A, 75-84 = B+, 65-74 = B, 55-64 = C+, <55 = C


Wk Date Topic Instructor Location
1 23 Aug Introduction Metha N506
2 30 Aug Molecular genetics of plant response to environmental stresses Metha N506, B404
3 6 Sep      
4 13 Sep      
5 20 Sep      
6 27 Sep      
7 4 Oct      
8 11 Oct      
9 18 Oct No Class (mid-term examination period)    
10 25 Oct      
11 1 Nov      
12 8 Nov      
13 15 Nov      
14 22 Nov      
15 29 Nov      


Course coordinator:    Asst. Prof. Metha Meetam   Tel. 02-201-5476  Email: metha.mee@mahidol.ac.th