
งานวิจัยภาควิชาชีววิทยา 2553

Publications 2010

  1. Chunchob S, Grams R, Viyanant V, Smooker PM,Vichasri-Grams S*. Comparative analysis of two fatty acid binding proteins from Fasciola giganticaParasitology2010 Oct;137(12):1805-17.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D. Student
    Journal Name : Parasitology
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS : IF = 2.316
    Scopus : h index = 63 / SJR = 0.229 / Category = Animal Science and Zoology 
  2. Janvilisri T, Scaria J, Chang YF*. Transcriptional Profiling ofClostridium difficile and Caco-2 Cells during Infection. J Infect Dis 2010 Jul 15;202(2):282-90.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Journal of Infectious Diseases
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS : IF = 5.865
    Scopus : h index = 158 / SJR = 0.968 / Category = Immunology 
  3. Janvilisri T, Scaria J, Gleed R, Fubini S, Bonkosky MM, Grohn YT, Chang YF*. Development of a microarray for identification of pathogenicClostridium sppDiagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2010 Feb;66(2):140-147.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS : IF = 2.451
    Scopus : h index = 62 / SJR = 0.251 / Category = Parasitology 
  4. Jariyapan N*,Baimai V, Poovorawan Y, Roytrakul S, Saeung A, Thongsahuan S, Suwannamit S, Otsuka Y, Choochote W. Analysis of female salivary gland proteins of the Anopheles barbirostris complex (Diptera: Culicidae) in Thailand. Parasitol Res 2010 Aug;107(3):509-16.
    Department : Biology / Center for Vectors and Vector-Borne Diseases
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Parasitology Research
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS : IF = 1.721
    Scopus : h index = 45 / SJR = 0.127 / Category = Parasitolgy 
  5. Kaset C, Eursitthichai V,Vichasri-Grams S, Viyanant V, Grams R*. Rapid identification of lymnaeid snails and their infection with Fasciola gigantica in Thailand. Exp Parasitol 2010 Dec;126(4):482-8.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Experimental Parasitology
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS : IF = 1.773
    Scopus : h index = 44 / SJR = 0.175 / Category = Parasitology 
  6. Kitthawee S, Dujardin JP*. The geometric approach to explore theBactrocera tau complex (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Thailand. Zoology (Jena) 2010 Aug;113(4):243-9.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Zoology
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS : IF = 1.562
    Scopus : h index = 24 / SJR = 0.116 / Category = Animal Science and Zoology 
  7. Liu L, Mondal MM, Idris MA, Lokman HS, Rajapakse PJ, Satrija F, Diaz JL,Upatham ES, Attwood SW*. The phylogeography of Indoplanorbis exustus (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Asia. Parasit Vectors 2010 Jul 5;3:57.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Adjunct Staff
    Journal Name : Parasites & Vectors
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS : IF = 2.053
    Scopus : h index = 10 / SJR = 0.196 / Category = Infectious Diseases 
  8. Phayuhasena S, Colgan DJ*,Kuvangkadilok C, Pramual P, Baimai V. Phylogenetic relationships among the black fly species (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Thailand based on multiple gene sequences. Genetica 2010 Jun;138(6):633-48.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D. Student
    Journal Name : Genetica
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS : IF = 2.092
    Scopus : h index = 54 / SJR = 0.244 / Category = Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 
  9. Phothieng D, Eiamampai K, Thongaree S, Chaipukdee W, Nimnuan S,Round PD*. Banding and flagging shorebirds and terns in Thailand: A preliminary assessment of work during 2005-2009. Stilt 2010;57:13-15.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Stilt
    Indexed in :
  10. Putwattana N,Kruatrachue M*Pokethitiyook P, Chaiyarat R. Immobilization of cadmium in soil by cow manure and silicate fertilizer, and reduced accumulation of cadmium in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum). ScienceAsia 2010 Dec;36(4):349-54.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff / M.Sc. Student
    Journal Name : ScienceAsia
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS
    Scopus : h index = 6 / SJR = 0.037 / Category = Multidisciplinary 
  11. Rotkittikhun P,Kruatrachue M*Pokethitiyook P, Baker AJM. Tolerance and accumulation of lead in Vetiveria zizanioides and its effect on oil production. J Environ Biol 2010 May;31(3):329-34.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff / Ph.D. Student
    Journal Name : Journal of Environmental Biology
    Indexed in : Scopus : h index = 16 / SJR = 0.042 / Category = Environmental Science (miscellaneous) 
  12. Round PD. An analysis of records of three passage migrants in Thailand: Tiger ShrileLanius tigrinus, Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia and Mugimaki Flycatcher F: mugimakiForktail 2010 Aug;26:24-30(Editorial Material)
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Forktail
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS
  13. Round PD. Moult in Asian DowitchersLimnodromus semipalmatus in the Inner Gulf of Thailand. Stilt 2010;57:16-17.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Stilt
    Indexed in :
  14. Round PD, Allen D. A record of active moult in the Streaked Reed WarblerAcrocephalus sorghophilusBull BOC 2010;130(2):145-7.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club
    Indexed in :
  15. Round PD, Leader PJ, Waengsothorn S. Removal of Pink-rumped RosefinchCarpodacus eos from the Thai avifaunal list. Forktail 2010 Aug;26:145-47(Note)
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Forktail
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS
  16. Scaria J, Ponnala L,Janvilisri T, Yan W, Mueller LA, Chang YF*. Analysis of ultra low genome conservation in Clostridium difficilePLoS One 2010 Dec;5(12):e15147.
    Department : Biology
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : PLos One
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS : IF = 4.351
    Scopus : h index = 60 / SJR = 0.815 / Category = Medicine (miscellaneous) 
  17. Souris M*, Gonzalez JP, Shanmugasundaram J, Corvest V,Kittayapong P*. Retrospective space-time analysis of H5N1 Avian Influenza emergence in Thailand. Int J Health Geogr 2010 Jan 27;9:3.
    Department : Biology / Center of Excellence for Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff / Research Staff
    Journal Name : International Journal of Health Geographics
    Indexed in : Scopus : h index = 25 / SJR = 0.165 / Category = Computer Science (miscellaneous) 
  18. Wiwatanaratanabutr I, Allan S, Linthicum K,Kittayapong P*. Strain-specific differences in mating, oviposition, and host-seeking behavior between Wolbachia-infected and uninfected Aedes albopictusJ Am Mosq Control Assoc 2010 Sep;26(3):265-73.
    Department : Biology / Center of Excellence for Vectors and Vector-Borne Diseases
    Author’s Status : Academic Staff
    Journal Name : Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS : IF = 0.906
    Scopus : h index = 31 / SJR = 0.094 / Category = Insect Science