
งานวิจัยภาควิชาชีววิทยา 2548

Publications 2005

  1. Clarke AR*, Armstrong KF, Carmichael AE,Milne JR, Raghu S, Roderick GK, Yeates DK. Invasive phytophagous pests arising through a recent tropical evolutionary radiation: The Bactrocera dorsalis complex of fruit flies. Ann Rev EntomolJan 2005;50:293-319.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Annual Review of Entomology / IF =10.151)
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS, ASP
    Times Cited = 6
  2. Harrington LC*, Scott TW, Lerdthusnee K, Coleman RC, Costero A, Clark GG, Jones JJ,Kitthawee SKittayapong P, Sithiprasasna R, Edman JD. Dispersal of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti within and between rural communities. Am J Trop Med Hyg Feb 2005;72(2):209-220.
    (Department = Biology / Ctr Vectors & Vector Borne Dis
    Journal Name = American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene / IF = 2.013)
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
    Times Cited = 6
  3. Lamai C,Kruatrachue M*Pokethitiyook P, Upatham ES, Soonthornsarathool V. Toxicity and accumulation of lead and cadmium in the filamentous green alga Cladophora fracta (O.F. Muller ex Vahl) Kutzing: A laboratory study.ScienceAsia Jun 2005;31(2):121-7.
    (Department = Biology – M.Sc. student, Supporting Staff
    Journal Name = ScienceAsia)
    Indexed in : SCOPUS
    Times Cited = 0
  4. Panich-pat T,Srinives P*Kruatrachue MPokethitiyook P, Upatham S, Lanza GR. Electron microscopic studies on localization of lead in organs of Typha angustifolia grown on contaminated soil. ScienceAsia Mar 2005;31(1):49-53.
    (Department = Biology – Ph.D. student
    Journal Name = ScienceAsia)
    Indexed in : SCOPUS, SciFinder – CAplus
    Times Cited = 0
  5. Pramual P,Kuvangkadilok C*Baimai V, Walton C. Phylogeography of the black fly Simulium tani (Diptera : Simuliidae) from Thailand as inferred from mtDNA sequences. Mol Ecol Nov 2005;14(13):3989-4001.
    (Department = Biology – Ph.D. student
    Journal Name = Molecular Ecology / IF = 4.375)
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS, ASP, PubMed
    Times Cited = 1
  6. Sakuanrungsirikul S, Sarindu N, Prasartsee V, Chaikiatiyos S, Siriyan R, Sriwatanakul M, Lekananon P,Kitprasert C, Boonsong P, Kosiyachinda P, Fermin G, Gonsalves D*. Update on the development of virus-resistant papaya: Virus-resistant transgenic papaya for people in rural communities of Thailand. Food and Nutrition Bulletin Dec2005;26(4):422-6.
    (Department = Biology
    Journal Name = Food and Nutrition Bulletin)
    Indexed in : SCOPUS
    Times Cited = 0
  7. Spiegel J*, Bennett S, Hattersley L, Hayden MH,Kittayapong P, Nalim S, Wang DNC, Zielinski-Gutieดrrez E, Gubler D. Barriers and bridges to prevention and control of dengue: The need for a social-ecological approach. EcoHealth Dec2005;2(4):273-90.
    (Department = Biology / Center for Vectors and Vector-Borne Diseases
    Journal Name = EcoHealth)
    Indexed in : SCOPUS
    Times Cited = 0
  8. Sridokchan W, Markich S,Visoottiviseth P*. Arsenic tolerance, accumulation and elemental distribution in twelve ferns: a screening study. Australasian J Ecotox Dec 2005;11(2):101-110.
    (Department = Biology – Ph.D. Student
    Journal Name = Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology)
    Indexed in : Chem Abstracts
    Times Cited = 0
  9. Srikrachang M,Srikosamatara S. Elephant crop raiding problems and their solutions at Kui Buri National Park, Southwestern Thailand. Nat Hist Bull Siam Soc 2005;53(1):87-109.
    (Department = Biology – Ph.D. Student
    Journal Name = Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society)
    Indexed in : BA, Zoological Record
    Times Cited = 0
  10. Supanopas P, Sretarugsa P*, Kruatrachue M, Pokethitiyook P, Upatham ES. Acute and subchronic toxicity of lead to the spotted Babylon,Babylonia areolata (Neogastropoda, Buccinidae). J Shellfish Res Jan 2005;24(1):91-8.
    (Department = Biology – M.Sc. student / Anatomy
    Journal Name = Journal of Shellfish Research / IF = 0.608)
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS
    Times Cited = 0
  11. Supaprom T,Baimai V*. Characterization of c-banded mitotic chromosomes in four species of anuran amphibians from Thailand. Amphib Reptil Sep 2005;26(3):367-371.
    (Department = Biology – Ph.D. student
    Journal Name = Amphibia-Reptilia / IF = 0.407)
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS, ASP
    Times Cited = 0
  12. Tanhan P,Sretarugsa P*Pokethitiyook PKruatrachue M, Upatham ES. Histopathological alterations in the edible snail, Babylonia areolata (spotted babylon), in acute and subchronic cadmium poisoning. Environ Toxicol Apr2005;20(2):142-9.
    (Department = Biology – M.Sc. student / Anatomy
    Journal Name = Environmental Toxicology / IF = 1.373)
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS, PubMed
    Times Cited = 0
  13. Yaowakhan R,Kruatrachue M*, Pokethitiyook PSoonthornsarathool V. Removal of lead using some aquatic macrophytes. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol Oct 2005;75(4):723-730.
    (Department = Biology – Ph.D. student, Supporting Staff
    Journal Name = Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology / IF = 0.528)
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS, PubMed, SCOPUS
    Times Cited = 0
  14. Yongpisanphop J,Kruatrachue M*Pokethitiyook P. Toxicity and accumulation of lead and chromium in Hydrocotyle umbellataJ Environ Biol Jan 2005;26(1):79-89.
    (Department = Biology / M.Sc. student
    Journal Name = Journal of Environmental Biology / IF = 0.266)
    Indexed in : ISI-WOS, SCOPUS, PubMed
    Times Cited = 0